Connect and engage voters

Input for campaign design

The mobile app landscape is no longer a place reserved only for interactive games, social networking or messaging. It is now an important new medium for making relevant political connections. In order to reach fast-paced and on-the-go voters, as well as  youth demographics, politicians are falling behind the game if they don't recognise the benefit of dedicated smartphone and tablet app to their political cycle and how this technology has the potential to influence elections. As smartphones continue to become sleeker and more advanced, users areless attached to their laptops, and instead, reaching into their pockets for entertainment, utilities, online research and most importantly - connectivity.

At Public-Democracy  we assist current and potential voters to access your political campaign with their fingers. No matter which target demographic, our mobile app will provide your constituents with a useful resource  so they can stay involved with every aspect of your political agenda. From your bio and campaign promises to information on volunteering and contributing to your campaign, users will also have quick and easy access to your campaign’s contact information right from their Apple iPhone or Android device.

You can get instant feedback on ploicy ideas and test out messages or ad campaigns through a private channel unaffected by media bias.

This allows a chance to fine tune your pitch to voters and gain maximum value from your policy announcments without fear of unexpected voter backlash. This works with equal value for any large membership based organisation such as a Union or Sporting Association. It is designed to be of minimal intrusion to the target databse and interacton is kept to very simple responses that don't take much time out of the respondents day. It fosters a sense of connectivity and an impression that yes you are actually listening! results are gathered and measured in a very rapid turnaround allowing maximum agility. Much more data is able to be gathered because the cost base is low and multiple polls are easy to manage.

 3500,    08  Apr  2017 ,   Data Analysis
Public Democracy


The Public Group is an organisation supporting elected representatives in their mission to be responsive to and informed about the opinions, needs and wishes of their constituents. The Public Group have developed and support the online platform Public-Democracy - cutting edge communication technology which can turn your database into a powerful tool for connecting with, engaging with and measuring your demographics and allow you to monetize your membership or fanbase.. The Public Group have acquired one of the largest databases (114 million verified users)  in the USA enabling access to over half the voting age population. Apart from it's primary focus of using digital connectivity technology to enhance the democratic process, the Public Group has identitifed a range of other channels in which their innovative product and Big Data asset can be utilized including sporting groups, unions and other large membership based organisations.


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Harnessing technology for responsive interactions with target demographics..

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809B Cuesta Drive Mountainview CA 94040 USA

+61 412 206 099 Gary Davis

+61 414 298-898 Eric Gyors
